Commercial Painting

Commercial Painting

If your commercial property is in need of a fresh coat of paint to help boost its curb appeal, Meister Painting & Remodeling is the crew you'll want to call. Within any commercial painting project it is crucial that it be completed in a timely manner, with maximum cleanliness, as little disruption as possible and with great attention to fine detail. Our team understands the importance of your business giving off that professional, yet welcoming feel to all potential customers and clients. You can trust confidently that Meister Painting & Remodeling will take any vision you may have and make it a reality for your company.

Similar to our residential painting, we remain extremely cautious and careful when completing all prep work before we begin the painting process.

We are always available to offer our expertise in the decision of which quality of paint and finish that should be used, if needed. All prepping is finished with the least possible disturbance to your business. Prep work includes: the covering of any items that may be at risk of exposure, pressure washing, scraping, sanding, caulking and puttying.

The Meister Painting & Remodeling crew is certain that the jobsite will remain clean and organized while they are on-site and working. All painting is finished with a thorough cleanup of the area and a complete walk of the perimeter. You are sure to be satisfied with your property's new face lift upon our finishing the job!

Contact Us

We’re always on time, on budget and clean. Meister Painting & Remodeling is locally owned and operated. We want to help you achieve the look you’re striving for.
Your business is just a phone call away from looking its best.
(830) 446-2307

"Meister Painting and Remodeling did a fantastic job repairing sheetrock that was cracked in corners of bedroom cathedral ceiling. Highly recommend this company 830-446-2307."

- Shirley D. from Napa Oaks
Meister Painting & Remodeling Home


  • (830) 446-2307


  • 1109 S Main St Ste #201
    Boerne, TX 78006
We focus on serving the central Texas communities.
Service Areas Include: Boerne, Fair Oaks Ranch, Tapatio Springs, The Dominion, Cordillera Ranch, Spring Branch, San Antonio, Bandera, Bergheim and surrounding areas

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